Monday, 28 January 2013

Popular diets + lunch example

For a long time now I have been willing to figure out what diet I should follow throughout the day. There are myths to bodybuilding diets and many many types are heard of all over the internet.

1) Low-carb diet: This diet includes about 70-80% protein, the rest is for fat and  little carbs. Based on my experience it is the worst anyone can try. First of all the body doesn't have its main energy source so it will obviously break down itself somehow. There are carbs in everything. Literally everything, and the choice of foods is more than 80% less. There is vegetables, eggs, meat, protein powders, tvorog, cottege cheese and thats about it. It is boring, catabolizes the body, leads to massive muscle loos on the long run and depressing. Don't even give it a try (however people usually use it in the last couple of weeks of their diet to get rid of the last bit of fat - I think only competitors should do it. It is not healthy!!!)

2) Carb-cycling: This makes more sense to me, however did not give it a try. There are three days: No carbs, Medium amount, and Refill. By emptying glycogen storages (carb storages in the muscles and liver) the body will get rid of the fat rapidly / following the idea above/ but then the next days the body is refilled with carbs so it doesn't have those negative effects which a long term low carb diet may have. If I get there where I only need a couple of kilos to lose (at about 78kgs / because my final goal is 75) I'll give it a try, but still don't suggest it  for just anyone.

3) Intermittent fasting: This one is a wierdo and large scandals rise when bodybuilders discuss whether it is good or not. It is basically having a 4-6 eating window every day. In the rest of the day people fast. This supposedly leads to HGH (High Growth Hormone) secretion in the body as there is no insulin -as a reaction to food in body, especially carbs. Insulin supresses GH secretion preventing muscle growth. This is however a theory. If people don't eat they wont grow either, therefore they eat all their caloric needs (lets say 2000kcals) in 4 hours. I tried this one and felt a lot of positive feedback from my body, however didn't work on the long run. I still think 1-2 days in a week should be like this because it has several health benefits as well (cleanses the body) but if I don't have breakfast my day is ruined, yet I need to eat after training too which is in the evening.

To make it clear, this are myths because theye are worth arguing for or against. For me right now the only important thing is to eat less than what I use so I lose weight, and get lots of protein as well as carbs (less fat) to maintain muscle. This is why I dont care if people tell me: don't eat after 6! Or don't eat bread! These diets fail because they are too strict on people and so everyone gets bored of them... This explains why I eat sandwhich at school :) So here's my lunch example:
- Lots of fruits
- Sandwich (slice of ham, cheese, spinach, ketchup (moderate), mayo (moderate), lettuce)

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