Tuesday, 26 June 2012


To fulfill our 40 hours of coursework for Group 4 - science - we took a 5 day trip to the village Istra not so long ago. I was wondering a lot why in this school we never go to trips at all, and even if we do its for work... I actually though we would get some freetime, but to be honest we got 2 hours of freetime for lunch and diner and then we were dismissed at about midnight everyday to get some sleep. The first day we collaboratively worked together, when we discovered the region around the hotel and creatively drew up some maps. We also had to find some flags around the forest proving that we really did have a proper look around, by which we undertook new challanges.
From the first day to be honest things are kind of mixed up in my head, but I know for sure that we did more creative actions, such as building boats out of whatever we could find and set a race by the lake to see which boat can float further due to a chemical reaction. Funnily all of us failed, the reaction didnt work out for anyone the way we planned. On the boat we also worked together, increased our awereness of our own strength, and did planned initiated activity after its been built. We also played football for most of our 'freetime' which I actually really liked. I didn't liek to play football before, but I have to admit this time it was much fun! One week without my gym sounded scary to me, so I tried to be as active as possible. We also played Spotlight the last night, when we were flooded by a huge storm, but it only made it more fun. We took a picture of us afterwards as we are all soaked after the game full of nettle stings and mud. It was fun :)
We also showed perceverance and commitment in our activities on such days when we had to measure earth pH, light intensity and other scientific features in the middle of the forest and mosquito invasion, which not only happened once. These experiences were to be made regularly, only in different conditions - by the lake, on a hill under pinetrees, in the middle of the forest - but moswuitos were everywhere.
This is why I decided to do my own experience which I planned on my own, very much increased my awareness after the results of my experiment, used creativity to build my own equipment and undertook new challanges since I had to do everything on my own - e.g.: catching 45 mosquitoes :).
At the end of the day we missed Istra, especially when we had to go to school right the next day on saturday, and watched a photocollection made by Mr. Grey which included the funniest moments of Istra.

Sunday, 17 June 2012


Our new workout routine also consist of swimming days. Our days are now divided into an ABAB form, in which A-Weight Taining, B-Swimming. If sometimes we feel like skipping a swimday or we have much homework to do we just don'T bother to go. We are only humans, can't spend every single day in the gym either, eventhough I kind of want to :) Today was a skipping day since we went BBQing with my family to the place where we went with classmates before. Anyways after swimming we usually hit the sauna as well and one day I experienced sometihng absolutely new. I saw some guys gathering in front of the sauna and a girl as well pouring water into 12 cups. They cooled off the sauna a little bit, then entered, and so did I. The girl stood in the middle and started pouring 6 cups of water slowly on the rocks. Then the rest of the cups were just splashed on the wall to make the whole sauna wet. After 4-5 minutes, when everyting was done, they told me to lean forward and down, then the girl started propellering a towel above all of us. I thought my heart would stop any time it was so hot but good at the same time. I definetly learned something new and developed new skills that day and thought it would be interesting to write down such a story :) I'll upload pictures when I take the other ones for the gym as well!

Parent's Meeting

There have been many parents meetings before but I was never free to be able to help. This time I decided to act up and take the chance to provide some service. We were told to walk around the school and ask teachers or parents if they needed either tea or coffee. In New Mexico the question waiters/waitresses always ask was: "Red or Green?" - thinking of the chili to serve. Here it was now: "How much Milk and Sugar would you like?" I definetly increased my awareness of my own strength and areas for  growth and developed new skills by carrying all types of cups and crackers around the school trying to avoid it to spill. I worked  collaboratively together  with MinJin and Sophia who made the coffees so I could serve them. It was a planned activity  by Mr O'Conner, our CAS coordinator who helped us find service opportunities. Unfortunately between two busy minutes I absolutely forgot to take pictures but I'll ask the girls if they have any evidence!


A few months ago I decided to switch gyms so Shaun and I started attending the same one. Have to be honest the new gym way A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. It was highly equipped, there was saunas and swimming pool and spa and people who even speak english so I dont feel totally isolated :) The only disadvantage was the price but my parents agreed on a yearly membership since I dont really spend on anything else but sport. Also so far we've been doing a given workout programme, however I really felt it wasnt intense enough and didn't allow me to make some more Gainsss..by this I mean I went through a Bulking phase which is basically when the body is constantly in a calorie surplus so anabolic reactions are not lacking so the most muscle is built. I probably didn't tear up the muscles hard enough so they were shocked and forced to grow. Now I really need to get rid of the bodyfat I gained but already changed a workout plan from: Back+Biceps, Chest+Triceps, Shoulders+Legs to Back+Shoulders, Legs (we never really worked our legs but now I'm sore as hell :) ) and Chest+Arms. Also I updated the workouts with new movements such as Arnold Press(shoulders), Clean and Jerk (back and shoulders) etc... We'll see how it works out, but I developed new skills when I created our own workout routine, we work collaboratively together when the other needs a spotter and also motivation to eachother, I'd consider it as planned activity since we follow a workout plan which also tells what days we work out on and which days we rest. I want to make a video by the way, a motivational one, but Shaun right now is sick so I'll have to postpone the making of it. Until the video comes out I'll take pictures and upload them as soon as possible!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

BBQ 'n' Park trash

In the school other students don't really plan anything to do together so Shaun and I decided to forecast a BBQ for everyone. We basically planned and initiate an activity and worked together as well as  undertook new challenges  by organizing everything to fit everyone's timetable. It was non profit for us and gave just as much money in as others, however we went shopping for ovder 3 hours to get everything, carried them all home and in the morning transported everything to the park on the bus as a little service to the rest of the guys. Mark also helped us the first time and Daniel was there for us too on the second BBQ since we did all this twice. There was one thing which really bothered us during the BBQ tho. I personally think this could happen mostly in Russia since other countries at least try and keep their parks tidy. Along a small river there were heaps of trash from all kinds of thing. Plastic, paper, chairs and everything  people can imagine or throw away as rubbish. Of course not all, but we decided to collect as much as we could and place them into the nearest trashbin by which we could  consider ethical implications and maybe  engage with issues of global importance  since burning everything was not an option for us.


In my younger years I really wanted to be in a rockband. Metal and all that kind of music played a huge role for me and still does. For other's i might be a creep but I can fall asleep on Slipknot, while to others its just pure noise. I was a member of 2 bands, but unfortunately none of them was serious at all. With one other member we started to meet regularly even though he lived way out of town, about 80kms away from Budapest. He is still a musical genius and I really admire his work, so I asked him to show me the music program he uses. He first started of with Guitar Pro 5 and tought me a bounch of things so I increased my awareness of my own stength and developed new skills.  I loved creating music and as we grew older I opened up to a lot of different music styles also. This song i uploaded might not be art to others but the fact I made it makes me feel it is. It is just a hobby we both do together so we work collaboratively with others. Of course he is the master of it, still helps me out sometimes but I like to put the music in my head to real sounds just as in the soundtrack I was going to upload above but couldn't. I uploaded it to youtube and here is a link for it! I had to struggle and add pictures, converting and stuff but it only did good as I developed new skills again.


For me it doesnt matter if its a song or just some sounds which match in my head, ill write it down. Hope you enjoy it :)

A Dirty Bulk

Since I'm bulking i decided not to watch my calories that much. Only my protein I tried to keep high, couldnt bother counting carbs and fats. It was a pretty dirty bulk and i gained pretty good amount of weight both muscle and fat. Now I'll just have to strip off the excess fat i've got on me and I'm ready for summer :) I never really tried to cook hamburgers before. My dad did and it never came out good at all. For most people burgers fall apart and something completely different comes out than it should. I checked youtube for some recipies and found the one particularly refferring to the "burger which doesnt fall apart" aspect. I thought I'd give it a shot and it worked pretty well :) Good source of protein from some beef was perfect post workout meal. Also I made other stuff such as fruitbread with some protein powder  and heaps of nuts for some healthy fats too. I've been trying to cook more lately but not simple foods anymore bcuz most of them doesnt taste that great honestly. Today I just made Chicken Paprikas which is (we say) Hungarian meal and I absolutely love it :) I though I's also share some photos! It's been a while since I wrote anytihng, so now I've got a lot to share!