Saturday, 17 September 2011

Sport's Day

This was my first morning without ironing my shirt, trousers and getting my tie knotted around my neck. All I wore was a pair of jeans, a T-shirt with the color of my house(green) and a hoodie against the cold what was waiting for me outside. I have to be honest I felt a little bit of freedom when I stepped outside my doorstep. I was actually really excited about thursday. I think the good idea about the 'dress code' is that I don't have to stand in front of the mirror everyday and ask: What should I wear today? And by the time I decide, 20 minutes are gone from my life. On the other hand on this day everybody had the chance to show a little piece of their individuality.                                                                                              
By wearing clothes we actually wear on avarage days we became more unscrupulous which was awesome. I think the first goal of sportsday was teambuilding and it was successful since we all worked collaboratively with others in each team.                                                We had to do all sort of sport through the day like football, basketball, dodgeball and even games I haven't heard about before. In both new games and the games I played before we definetly have undertaken new challanges  and have increased our awereness of our own strengths. For example I never knew I could run a relay before or even be first out of three runners(not the bests of course :) ). These sports were all planned activities by our teachers and our school, and eventhough it is hard to organize something like this there was no problem at all.
By the end of the day it was probably our team who won according to the score counted so far and I was satisfied and proud of ourselves.

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