Last time I showed how I make my own protein bar I usually eat in the school during little breaks to keep hunger away and still eat something healthy.
Today I'm going to write about a cake I made for my family during my sickness. I had to sit at home for over a week and I was bored out of my mind so I made something every day. I totally forgot to take pictures of the other foods but when I make them again I will definetly not skip taking them.
To stay at a healthy level I made these pencakes from minced oat, eggs, lowfat milk (0.5%), and olive oil. I thought its not gonna taste as good as the original ones but I think there was no significant other than the size of the pencake. I couldnt grind the oat into a clear powder so it was made up of bigger oatpieces.
It didnt matter when I decided to put one on another and put some creamy choclety, yet no sugary filling and some dried pineapple pieces between the layers.
I also forgot to take a picture of the final product and eventhough my family is not really into this diet thing they ate more than half of the cake after the chrispy chicken supper. (I also cooked some chicken:) )
Here are some pictures though from the preparing and one after consuming the half of it :)
During this activity I: